Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I have read the prognostications on the library of the future. I agree that we must embrace technology, and can use it with efficiency to present Ebooks of all kinds, such as test guides, Nolo press legal books, science experiments, missions, encyclopedias, almanacs, etc. We could save a large forest by just updating this type of information and presenting it online to everyone. At least for the near future, librarians will have to be available to help people access this information.

There should also be more services like available for students. Better to spend tax money on linking people to experts in subject areas, especially now that we are using non-professionals to man so many of the service desks. This would provide a lot more "bang for the buck" than paper and questionable assistance.

However, I believe that we should preserve the physical library in some form as a place of ideas, knowledge and the enjoyment of learning. Perhaps the bookstore look has a future as a place with comfortable chairs, lots of computers, a fireplace and a coffee bar. Sounds good to me!

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